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It's me again. Just in case you are interested I'll let you know a little bit of nothing about myself.
Let me see, I am a mother of three, (if you read my homepage you already know that) I love to hear anything about the paranormal, (you already know that too!) I live in nowhereville GA, and overall lead a pretty "normal" life ( as if anyone really does).
I am more interested in the goings on of other peoples lives than I am my own. It seems to me as if all the really cool stuff such as being haunted and crap always happens to other people, and I love to hear about it.
On a more serious note I do have a life outside this computer. I write childrens stories and will let you know when the first one will be published. I have 3 boys ( which only adds to my hysteria ),and on average live a pretty normal life. I do normal things everyday such as clean house, go to the grocery store, change diapers and occasionally I cook dinner. So as you see you have nothing to fear from me ( unless I invite you for dinner, that may just kill you )I am totally sane.

The History or Story Behind My Site
I was bored one day and thought I would give it a try.
Fills out forms, remembers passwords. Grab Gator!


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