Ghost Stories
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Here is my first great story.

This story took place in Sothern California in the year 1988. In a
suburb of Los Angles, in the city of Cerritos.
Our small click or group, would find places out of the way to
hangout and drink beer. On this particuler night we chose a
cemetary. It seemed a good place to avoid the law and area gangs.
We all were around the age of 18 at the time. The cemetary was of
medium size, about 150yrds square. In the center there was one of
those buildins that they housed the bodies in the walls. The only
gate was at the front which I will refer to as the north side.
We parked next to the west wall and climbed over the short four
foot wall and walked around for about an hour reading the headstones
and drank beer. There was about five or six of us. After some time
my girlfriend of the week and myself decided to wonder off by
ourselves while our friends sat on the wall and talked by the car.
We sat about 100ft south east of the dead building. We talked and
kissed for what seemed a good 45 minutes. We were lost in ourselves.
Fear suddenly struck us when we saw about 15 people coming from the
west wall and heading toward the dead building. You see; the gang
activity was real bad in those parts. We headed for the corner of
the building and waited for them to reach the the north west corner.
We stayed out of their veiw which also ment that they were out of
ours. At just the right time we made a run for the west wall. I was
afraid of what I was going to find when we got to the wall. Exect
for far away street lights, its was dark and I could not see our
friends. When we reached the wall there our friends sat still talking
just as when we left them. The girl and I inquired about that gang
that had come through and they had no idea what we were talking
about. They said that no one had come through there. After
describing just what we had seen we all left and had never returned.
Though now I wish I would've returned because I know if I could
see them in the form of shadows then certanily they woulded of been
able to be caught on film.

The End

Special Thanks To Allan!

I know the
Cemetery you speak of in Cerritos as well as the
moseleum. I have been there
a few times on ghosthunts. Southern California is
part of the territory we
work as well as Southern Nevada. What you saw has
been seen in other
moseliums including Fairhaven in Santa Ana, and the
Hollywood Cemetery.
Actually what you saw is considered residual
haunting. Those ghosts would
not have harmed you at all. They are impressions of
the past. Mourners from
the moselium. Hope that helps.
Thanks Marla

My Grandmother died this past summer. After the funeral my parents, along with my other relatives, went to her house to collect some things to remember her by. One thing my mother wanted was a certain lamp. She remember's liking the lamp ever since she was a little girl. You see the lamp supposedly lit up not only on the top, but it had a light at the base as well, and she remembers just sitting on a chair and staring at the base light. The only problem was that there was no base light on the lamp. My mom swears she remembers it, but my dad examined it and assured her that there was no light for the base, there wasn't even a switch for the base light on the lamp. My dad just chalked my mom's thinking up to a foggy memory. They playfully argued about it once in a while, but after a couple of months they forgot about it. Until one night when they came into the living room and the base light was on! It had come on seemingly all by itself! My dad, who doesn't believe much in the supernatural, was so shocked he had to sit down. My mom just politely thanked her mother for helping her win the argument :)

I love this story!
Thank You Nick!